Dye your Virgin Hair Extensions Red without BLEACH!
Dye your Virgin Hair Extensions Red without BLEACH!
June 5, 2017
Color hair RED in 1 step! ❤️❤️❤️
The process of getting you hair extensions to a vibrant deep wine/red does not have to be difficult. It doesn't require you lightening the hair to blonde with bleach. The process has been made simple with one step.
We have taken the time to test and do in house hair coloring at #newgodishair for the benefit of getting to know different products as well as how our hair extensions react to them. Keep in mind our hair extensions are VIRGIN HAIR and they are single donor. So each bundle has not been chemically altered and the hair is from one person. With that in mind, know that hair color takes differently from one person to the next.

As you can see in the bundles we've processed with the L'Oréal HiColor Highlights in Magenta each bundle can turn our hair slightly different from the same color mixture. This is natural because human hair is unique from person to person.
But as you can see vibrant color can still be achieved in one step. But if you feel you'd like the color to be lighter you can go for a second application or try the next color level lighter.
A strand text is always recommended before coloring your extensions so you have an idea of how things will turn out. And if you are unsure have a professional hair stylist/colorist help you with the process.
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